Unseen Powers and the Ordinary Christian (Part 2)

Unseen Powers and the Ordinary Christian (Part 2)

Unseen Powers and the Ordinary Christian (Part 2)
Text: Ephesians 6:10-20

Main Idea: Equipping ourselves with God’s armor is not a mechanical operation; it is an expression of our wholesale dependence on God for our every need. 

Sermon Outline:

I. What Does the Bible Teach About Satan and His Demons?

II. What Does it Mean to Stand in the Armor of God?

A. A life that is marked by faithful obedience to God (Eph 6:14)

B. A life that is anchored in our gospel identity in Christ (Eph 6:15–17a)

C. A life that is saturated in the revealed Word of God (Eph 6:17b)

D. A life that overflows in humble persistent prayer (Eph 6:18–20)

III. What is the Relationship Between Prayer and the Armor of God?

IV. What Does this Praying Look Like in Everyday Life?

A. Asking God to help fellow Christians live in obedience to Christ (Col 1:9–14)

B. Asking God to help fellow Christians grasp their identity and security in Christ (Eph 1:15–23)

C. Asking God to help fellow Christians grasp the love of God in Jesus Christ (Eph 3:14–19)

D. Finding hope and power in superior pleasure