Sermons from 2024 (Page 4)
When Jesus Does it Differently
Text: Luke 8:40-56
The Hand of God in the History of Men (Part 2)
Text: Daniel 11:21-12:3
Main Idea: The most fearsome leaders in the history of the world are wholly constrained by the sovereign hand of God.
The Transforming Power of Praise
Text: Psalm 34
Main Point: Celebrating God’s faithfulness magnifies his unrivaled worthiness and motivates the faithful to rightly fear him.
Joy in Unity
Text: Philippians 2:1-5
From Everlasting to Everlasting
Text: Psalm 90
From Everlasting to Everlasting
Main Idea: God’s people find wisdom and hope and joy as they recognize the frailty of their existence and pursue the impeccable faithfulness of God
In You I Take Refuge
Text: Psalm 16:1–11
The Hand of God in the History of Men
Text: Daniel 11:1-20
Main Idea: Do not trust in the kingdoms of men because their fragile plans are subject to the sovereign hand of God.
The Day That Changed Everything
Text: Acts 26:12-20
It Was the Will of the Lord to Crush Him
Text: Isaiah 53:7–12
Main Idea: God’s love is revealed most clearly in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Lord has Laid on Him the Iniquity of us All
Text: Isaiah 52:13–53:6
Main Idea: It’s impossible to understand why Jesus came until we recognize that he came to suffer and die in our place.