Sermons by Mark Kernan
Patience Is Not Passive Resignation
Text: James 5:7-12
Main Idea: God has always called his people to trust in his promises as they patiently endure periods of evil and injustice.
The Allure and Evil of Autonomy
Text: James 4:13–5:6
Main Idea: God’s people must not live as if they have sovereign control over their life.
The One Story That Rules Them All
Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Main Point: The Incarnation reminds us that God is for us and with us in Jesus Christ.
The Faithfulness of God in the Fullness of Time
Text: Galatians 4:4–5
Main Idea: Becoming a child of God is not a matter of a one’s birthright or behavior but redemption and adoption through Jesus Christ alone.
Who Are You to Judge Your Neighbor?
Text: James 4:11-12
Main Idea: When we are judging fellow believers, we are not walking in humility before the Lord.
Conflict Within the Church: Its Cause and Cure
Text: James 4:1–10
The Difference Between Earthly and Heavenly Wisdom
Text: James 3:13–18
Main Idea: The wisdom from above will always produce righteousness and peace not arrogance and conflict.
Seek the Welfare of the City Where God Has Sent You into Exile
Text: Jeremiah 29:1-14
Main Idea: The sovereignty of God and the promises of God encourage the people of God to pursue the welfare of their city in a way politics alone cannot.
The Difference Between Dead and Saving Faith
Text: James 2:14-26
Main Idea: Good works are the necessary product of genuine, saving faith.
The Difference Between Empty and Undefiled Religion (Pt 2)
Text: James 1:26-2:13
Main Idea: Undefiled religion—that is true Christianity—is driven by a heart of mercy not self-serving partiality.