Sermons on Psalms
The Transforming Power of Praise
Text: Psalm 34
Main Point: Celebrating God’s faithfulness magnifies his unrivaled worthiness and motivates the faithful to rightly fear him.
From Everlasting to Everlasting
Text: Psalm 90
From Everlasting to Everlasting
Main Idea: God’s people find wisdom and hope and joy as they recognize the frailty of their existence and pursue the impeccable faithfulness of God
In You I Take Refuge
Text: Psalm 16:1–11
Repentance: The Broken-Hearted Path to Peace With God
Text: Psalm 51
Main Idea: God is faithful to forgive and reconcile the sinner who seeks his mercy through genuine repentance.
A Prayer for Global Praise
Text: Psalm 67
Main Point: God blesses us so all people will know Him and praise Him.
War and Peace with God
Text: Psalm 27
The Ear of the Shepherd
Text: Psalm 80
Main Point: God’s people on Earth have the ear of their Shepherd in Heaven
Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve
Text: Psalm 26
Main Idea: Our feet can stand on solid ground because of Jesus.
Taste And See That The Lord Is Good
Text: Psalm 34
Main Point: Thanksgiving magnifies God’s faithfulness and motivates the faithful to rightly fear him.
I Am A Creature
Text: Psalm 8
Main Point: You will never find your “true identity” until you grasp your utter dependency.
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