Sermons by Mark Kernan (Page 29)
Justification by Faith Alone
Text: Romans 1:15-17
Scripture Alone
Text: 2 Timothy 3:12–17
I. Two Foundational Problems in Luther’s Day
II. Three Fundamental Truths about God’s Word (2 Tim 3:16–17)
The Source of Glad-Hearted Obedience
Text: 1 John 5:1-5
Main idea: Joyful obedience is the external evidence that we are truly “born of God.”
“One Savior, One Mission”
Text: Matthew 28:18-20
Main Idea: The mission of the Church—make disciples—is forever anchored in the Sovereign Lordship of our risen Savior and will be forever sustained by his powerful presence until he returns.
“The Fox, the Funeral and the Furrow”
Text: Luke 9:57-62
The Promise of the Gospel
Text: John 6:35-65
Main Idea: Jesus will never fail to preserve and resurrect those who believe in Him.
The Power of the Gospel
Text: John 6:35–47
Main Idea: Gospel effectiveness requires a supernatural work that awakens sinners to the desirability and beauty of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel Message: Jesus Saves and Satisfies
Text: John 6:22-35
Audience of One
Text: 1 Corinthians 3:1-15
Pastors are God’s servants and He will judge their service.
Installation Service for Pastor Mark Kernan
Text: Selected Passages