Sermons by Jim Keatley
Amazing Grace
Text: Ephesians 1:5-8
Main Idea: That our hearts be encouraged by the inexhaustible riches of God’s grace to us in Christ. (Hebrews 13:9)
A Final Charge
Text: Acts 2:41-47
Sometimes ministry must change. But some things must never change! Among those non-negotiable constants are devotion to:
Secure in God’s Love
Text: Romans 8:31-39
We can almost hear the passion in Paul’s voice as he asks 5 questions that hammer home the wonder of God’s love for us and our security in that unfailing love …
Behind the Scenes of Our Salvation
Text: Romans 8:29-32
Before we ever heard the name of Jesus or decided to believe in Him, God was preparing for our salvation by His: …
God Works All Things For Good
Text: Romans 8:28
This is one of the most comprehensive and comforting promises in all of Scripture!
Our Helper in Prayer
Text: Romans 8:26-27
We certainly ought to grow in our prayer life, but we will never master prayer … we always rely on the help of the Holy Spirit.
Living in Resurrection Power
Text: Phil. 3:8-11
Jesus’ resurrection is more than a miracle to inspire hope for the future … it is the power of God for all of life! It is the power of God for …
From Groans to Glory
Text: Romans 8:17-25
We understand that suffering is a part of living in this broken world. Yet somehow we like to think and hope that once we’ve come to Christ, our loving God will lessen if not eliminate our suffering. But the groans of suffering is the path to glory!
Life in the Spirit
Text: Romans 8:12-17
With the gift of the Holy Spirit and all His blessings, Paul reveals …
The Assurer of Salvation
Text: Romans 8:9-11
The Holy Spirit is the Agent of our salvation in convicting us and regenerating us to new life. He then is the great Assurer or Guarantor of our salvation in that His indwelling presence is our …