The Power of the Gospel

The Power of the Gospel

The Power of the Gospel
John 6:35–47

Main Idea: Gospel effectiveness requires a supernatural work that awakens sinners to the desirability and beauty of Jesus Christ.

I. Why do so many people reject Jesus? (6:36–37)

A. Seeing is not believing (6:36)

B. Human belief requires divine intervention (See also: John 1:13, 3:3–8; 10:26–30; 17:6–8)

1. John 6:37–39
2. John 6:44–45
3. John 6: 63–65

II. How can Jesus call people to believe if they need divine help?

A. Jesus is highlighting a well-known truth from Israel’s past—spiritual disability.

1. Deut 29:2–6
2. Deut 30:6

B. Jesus is exposing mankind’s condition — total depravity.

III. How does this actually encourage me to share the gospel? It reminds us that:

A. God does not compel anyone to act against their will in order to believe in Jesus Christ.

B. God doesn’t awaken people to faith apart from them actually hearing, reading, or seeing the Gospel truth.

C. God’s powerful work in the gospel calls his people to faithful communication and utter dependence.