Leaving Behind a Church but Looking Forward to Its Future

Leaving Behind a Church but Looking Forward to Its Future

“Leaving Behind a Church but Looking Forward to Its Future”
Acts 20:17-32

In Acts 20, the Apostle Paul gives a stirring message to the Ephesian church leaders about their church even though he will not longer be there for them. Many of the same words apply to our church today as it transitions from the Interim Pastor stage to the new pastoral leadership of Mark Kernan. In verses 17-32, we find three lessons on leaving behind a church with a bright future.

(Acts 20:17-18) Develop Godly Leaders.

(Acts 20:19-27) Proclaim the Gospel Message.

(Acts 20: 28-32) Love God’s Church.

The Big Idea: By the power of God and with the right priorities, the church truly has a hope and future.
