Joy to the World, the New Covenant Has Come!

Joy to the World, the New Covenant Has Come!

Joy to the World, the New Covenant Has Come!
Selected Passages

1. The “Big Idea” of the Bible: God restoring us to him through his Covenants

The Old Testament Covenants

Mosaic Covenant: Jeremiah 11:1-5

A Big Problem: Psalm 81:10-12

Solution? A New Covenant: Jeremiah 31:31-34

The Difference between Old and New Covenants is…

2. The New Testament (Covenant) is all about the Heart

Matthew 5:21 murder/anger; 5:27 adultery/lust; 5:43 hate/love enemies

The lesson of hand washing: Mt 15:8-20

Two ways to be right with God: Luke 18:10-14

The Sermon on the Mount: “Making It Plain” how the New Covenant works

The grand opening: the beatitudes

weak, needy, feeling loss, humble, hungering, merciful, single minded

How does one get this heart?

1 Peter 4:1-3 S___________ and F__________

What God wants: Psalm 51:17

The Holy Spirit: John 16:7 brings C__________

The Word of God is to stab our … heart! Hebrews 4:12

Mutual confession: James 5:16

3. Where is your heart today?  Is God speaking to you?  What should you do?
