Sermons from 2024 (Page 3)
The Problem of “Authenticity” and the Promise of Self-Denial
Text: Luke 9:18–27
Main Idea: Our self-denying pursuit of Jesus ensures the kind of “profit” that our self-indulging pursuits can never produce.
The Surprising Goal of Jesus’ “Tolerance”
Text: Luke 5:27-32
Main Point: Jesus didn’t come to coddle sinners in their sin but to call sinners to repentance.
The Disability that Defines All People
Text: Luke 5:17–26
Main Point: Jesus came to deal with the disability that defines all people— their inability to overcome their sin and be reconciled to God.
Belief that Counts
Text: John 16:27-33
The Problems and Blessing Jesus had at dinner
Text: Luke 7:31-50
A Miraculous Catch and A New Mission
Text: Luke 5:1-11
Main Point: Jesus does not just offer sinners forgiveness; he recruits them to reach other sinners.
The Temptation of Christ
Text: Luke 4:1-13
Main Idea: The fundamental power of temptation is that it promises a painless and immediate solution to the long and difficult path of discipleship.
A Sealed Vision and A Secure Hope
Text: Daniel 12:5-13
Main Idea: Don’t obsess over everything you cannot know about the end. Rather, make every effort to live every day of your life in simple, faith-filled obedience to God no matter the cost.
The Comfort and Caution of Eternity
Text”Daniel 12:1–4
Main Idea: Everyone “lives” forever, the question is where?
The End of the World as We Know It
Text: Daniel 12:1–4
Main Question: What do we know about the end of the world?