Sermons on Church (Page 2)
The Foundation of the Church
Text: Matthew 16:13-19
Main Idea: The church is inextricably anchored in a proper confession of Jesus and has been sovereignly commissioned to carry out Jesus’ kingdom purposes.
Senators, CEOs, or Shepherds
Text: 1 Peter 5:1–4
Healthy churches are the product of biblically qualified leaders who pour themselves into the lives of their people
The People of God
Text: Acts 2:42-47
What does a healthy church look like?
Faith Alone Always Works
Text: James 2:14–26
Main Idea: Faith without works is not saving faith.
The Glory of God Alone
Text: Ephesians 1:3–14
Main Idea: God saves sinful rebels for the praise of his glory alone.
Christ Alone
Text: Hebrews 9:11–15
Main Idea: Every promise of the New Covenant is mediated by Christ Alone.
Grace Alone
Text: Ephesians 2:1-10
Justification by Faith Alone
Text: Romans 1:15-17
Scripture Alone
Text: 2 Timothy 3:12–17
I. Two Foundational Problems in Luther’s Day
II. Three Fundamental Truths about God’s Word (2 Tim 3:16–17)
Pray for Unity, Then Work for It!
Text: John 17:20-23
Unity in the church requires prayer, but it also requires much work. John 17:20-23 records a prayer from the heart and lips of our Lord and the focus of that prayer is unity in among believers and especially in the church. Take this prayer seriously, then pray like Jesus while you work toward unity.