Sermons by Mark Kernan (Page 23)
Hiddenness And Hearing
Text: Mark 4:21–25
Main Idea: Hearing is necessary but it is never sufficient.
The Sower, the Seed, and the Soil – Part 2
Text: Mark 4:1-20
Main Point: Saving faith is manifest in persevering faith and persistent fruitfulness.
Living Hope
1 Peter 1:1–6
Main Idea: If you are truly “born again,” there is no power in heaven or on earth—including yourself—that can pry you from God’s loving grip because Jesus secured your salvation in his death, burial, and resurrection from the dead.
The Sower, the Seed, and the Soil – Part 1
Text: Mark 4:1-20
Main Point: There is more than one way to miss the Kingdom of Heaven.
Misjudging Jesus
Text: Mark 3:20–35
Main Idea: True disciples of Jesus Christ believe his claims and embrace his authority.
The Crowd and the Disciples
Text: Mark 3:7–19
Main Idea: Jesus ministered to the countless masses but he poured his time and energy into twelve chosen men.
Scandalous Kingdom
Text: Mark 2:13-3:6
Main Idea: Jesus came to save undeserving sinners not congratulate self-righteous rule keepers.
Jesus Forgives
Text: Mark 2:1–12
Main Idea: Jesus has full authority to forgive sins.
Dead Man Walking
Text: Mark 1:35–45
Main Idea: Complete cleansing and restoration are found in Christ alone
Authority in Action
Text: Mark 1:16–34
Main Idea: The authoritative words and actions of Jesus Christ reveal his true identity.