Sermons by Mark Kernan (Page 10)

Sermons by Mark Kernan (Page 10)

The God Who Gathers the Outcast

Text:  Acts 8:26–40 Main Point: Nothing in your past can prevent you from finding lasting joy in Jesus and being fully incorporated into the family of God.

The Persecution of Man and the Power of God

Text: Acts 8:1–25 Main Idea: Gospel success is not as cut and dry as we would like it to be. Sometimes people respond to the gospel in false belief, foolishly hoping they can receive the benefits of God apart from God himself. 

The Priority of the Word

Text: Acts 6:1-7 Main Idea: The mission of the church requires that it prioritize the preaching of the Word while actively ministering to the physical needs of its members.

Persecution and Paradoxical Joy 

Text: Acts 5:12–42 Main Idea: Opposition and persecution cannot stop the advance of the gospel; rather they unwittingly reveal the active power of Jesus in the persevering faithfulness of his blood-bought people.

A Question of Authority

Text: Acts 4:1-21 Main Idea: Spiritual authority flows from a person’s wholesale allegiance to Jesus Christ (and his revealed Word), not their “position of authority” in the religious community.

Walking and Leaping and Praising God

Text:  Acts 3:1-26 Main Idea:  Miraculous healings herald the present reign of Jesus Christ and point forward to his promised restoration of all things.  And as a result, they beckon us to embrace Jesus in humble repentance and faith.