Sermons by Jim Keatley (Page 6)

Sermons by Jim Keatley (Page 6)

Conquering Fear Through Christ – Part 2

Text: Isaiah 43:1 Fear and anxiety are thieves … they rob us of peace, joy, hope, fruitful lives, sleep, health and more. But in Jesus, we can learn to conquer fear and exchange it for His peace!

Conquering Fear Through Christ – Part 1

Text: Isaiah 41:10; John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-7 Fear and anxiety are thieves … they rob us of peace, joy, hope, fruitful lives, sleep, health and more. But in Jesus, we can learn to conquer fear and exchange it for His peace!


Text: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 God calls us all to be wise and faithful stewards or managers of all He has given to us …


Text: Luke 2:21-35 Simeon is a wonderful example for us. Not because he did great things which few of us could ever do … but because God blessed him for living a life of faith … a life we are all called to live!

Cultivating Thankfulness

Text:  Col 3:16-17 (and more) Thankfulness makes for a joyful and peaceful heart and gives glory to God. But thankfulness does not come naturally … it must be cultivated.

God’s Transforming Promises

Text:  2 Peter 1:3-4 God’s promises are comprehensive. He not only promises help in time of need, but spiritual strength and resources to do His will and grow spiritually.