Sermons on Matthew
The One Story That Rules Them All
Text: Matthew 1:18-25
Main Point: The Incarnation reminds us that God is for us and with us in Jesus Christ.
How to Talk to Your Dad
Text: Matthew 6:5-16
The History of Grace
Text: Matthew 1:1-17
The Twofold goal of Matthew’s Genealogy:
The Essence of Christian Dicipleship
Text: Matthew 28:18-20
The Heart of Worship is the Heart
Text: Matthew 15:1-20
Main point: True worship of God is a heart-felt response to who God is and what he has done.
The Universal Significance of the Resurrection
Text: Matthew 28:1-20
The Revelation and Rejection of the King
Text: Matthew 21:1–17
Main Idea: It’s one thing to be caught off guard BUT it’s another to blindly reject the evidence of the obvious.
Immanuel, God With Us
Text: Matthew 1:21-23
Main Point: God is physically present to deliver and to save in the person of Jesus Christ, whether we chose to embrace him or not.
Membership and the Local Church (Part 2)
Text: Matthew 18:15–20
Main Point: When it comes to formal declarations about the “what” and “who” of the gospel, the gathered membership of the local church is the highest authority under Jesus Christ himself.
The Foundation of the Church
Text: Matthew 16:13-19
Main Idea: The church is inextricably anchored in a proper confession of Jesus and has been sovereignly commissioned to carry out Jesus’ kingdom purposes.
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