Apr 19, 2025
Ladies Coffee Fellowship
Our Ladies Coffee Fellowship will continue to meet on the third Saturday of each month. We hope you will join us on Saturday, April 19th from 9:30-11:00 in the church foyer. We hope to see you all there! (Please make note of time change from last year.) If you have not joined us for these fellowships we would especially like to encourage you to attend. This is a great way to connect with other ladies around coffee and breakfast goodies, listen to a brief devotional, and…
May 10, 2025
Men’s Breakfast
The men’s breakfast is coming up! You are invited to join us in the church foyer every second Saturday of the month for food, fellowship, a short devotional, and prayer time. The next meetup will be held Saturday, May 10th at 8:30 AM.
May 17, 2025
Dec 24, 2025
Christmas Eve Service
OEFC will be holding our Christmas Eve service from 6:00-7:00 PM on Tuesday, December 24th, for a time to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ in music and the Word! We encourage you to invite your friends and family to join you for this service as we worship together and honor the importance of the advent season!