Sermon Discussion: The Crowds and the Disciples

Sermon Discussion: The Crowds and the Disciples

Sermon Discussion Questions: The Crowds and the Disciples

Mark 3:7–19

The following outline and discussion questions have been prepared to accompany the sermon from March 17, 2019 “The Crowds and the Disciples.” These questions can be used for discussion in small groups, family devotions, or for personal reflection. (PDF Link)

Main Idea: Jesus ministered to the countless masses but he poured his time and energy into twelve chosen men.


I. The Unparalleled Scope of His Early Ministry (Mark 3:7–12)
II. The Significant Development in God’s Redemptive Plan (Mark 3:13–19)
III. The Narrow Focus of His Disciple Making Mission (Mark 3:13–19)

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the chaotic scene in Mark 3:7–10 expose the reason why the “multitudinous multitude” is pursuing Jesus?
2. How does Jesus’ request in Mark 3:9 highlight his mission (Cf. Mark 1:15; 38)?
3. How might this contrast between the crowds pursuit and Jesus’ commitment to “preaching” help us
think about our ministries as a local church? How can it help think about our priorities in and support of foreign missions?
4. How does Jesus turn the contemporary discipleship model on its head in Mark 3:13–15?
5. How can the glorious truth that God loves to glorify himself by choosing and using the least likely encourage you in your Christian discipleship? (Cf. Deut 7:6–7; 1 Cor 1:26–31)
6. What is Jesus’ two-fold goal in calling the 12 disciples to himself?
7. Discuss the every-day practical ramifications of the following statement by Dr. James Edwards: “Discipleship is a relationship before it is a task, a ‘who’ before a ‘what.’”
7. How does this two-fold goal help clarify the true nature and calling of Christian discipleship?
8. What would it look like for a church to whole-heartedly embrace the “messiness” of personal discipleship?
9. What “sacred cows,” pet ministries, or personal expectations might we have to sacrifice so that we can better pursue our call to be disciples who multiply disciples?
10. How were you personally impacted by this message?
11. What do you sense God calling you to do as a result of this message?