On June 1, we began a study of Nancy Guthrie’s “Even Better Than Eden“. In this 6-week study we will trace themes throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Together we will see clearly that the Bible is one story, centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ, seeing him in all of his beauty from 6 different angles.
The format for each lesson will be to work individually through the lesson scriptures, then gather for our group study on Tuesdays to watch Nancy Guthrie teach over the theme, followed by a brief small group discussion, and closing in small group prayer.
- No book purchase necessary; study is in worksheet form.
- Each theme can be studied separately from the previous lesson, so join us for the dates that work for you.
- Completing the personal Bible study prior to gathering is essential in this study, however, you need not feel like all of it has to be completed prior to class. Anything you study on your own will serve you and our discussion time.
We will meet Tuesdays, through July 6th . Our normal meeting space will be the Church Foyer, however, we will meet UPSTAIRS in the large classroom (#203) on June 15th (a Navy wives group will be using the lower level & entrance on that evening).
Contact Brandi via email at Brandi.kirchoff@gmail.com or phone 360-662-6450 to sign up, or with any questions you may have about the study.