Sermon Discussion: The Treasure that Leads to Eternal Life
Mark 10:17–31
The following outline and discussion questions have been prepared to accompany the sermon from November 10, 2019; “The Treasure that Leads to Eternal Life.” These questions can be used for discussion in small groups, family devotions, or for personal reflection. (PDF)
Main Idea: Eternal life is not the product of earning but wholly embracing Jesus as your greatest treasure.
Discussion Questions:
1. What does this man’s question reveal about his understanding of eternal life?
2. What does this man’s question reveal about this man’s personal confidence in his law-keeping?
3. Why does Jesus tell the man he must do “one thing” and then command him to do four different things? How does Mark 8:34 help us better discern this “one thing”?
4. How do passages like Matthew 13:44–46 and Psalm 16:11 help us see that Jesus does not require his disciples to live a life of joy-forsaking, white-knuckle asceticism?
5. What does this man’s response reveal about the true source of his sense of security and personal identity? What does his response ultimately reveal about his true passion for “eternal life”?
6. What do the disciples need to learn about God-centered self-denial? (Mark 10:29–31)
7. When it comes to money, what is your greatest temptation (ex., look to it for security, status, other)? How has this struggle with finances undermined your passionate pursuit of Jesus and hope in his promises? How does Christ-exalting financial stewardship demonstrate that he is our greatest joy and treasure?
8. How might this passage help you realize why your morally upright and financially stable family, friends, and coworkers do not see their true need for Jesus?
9. How can you walk Jesus’ promise that he will work for you and be for you such a way that you will never be able to say you sacrificed anything?
10. What can you take from this message and share with others in your life?