Register and join us for…
“Unpacking Forgiveness” with Chris Brauns
(M.Div. Grand Rapids Theological Seminary
and D.Min. Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary).
Chris is a pastor at The Red Brick Church in Stillman Valley IL and will be sharing lessons with us from his book Unpacking Forgiveness, which encourages Christians to move beyond a “feel-good doctrine of automatic forgiveness” and embrace a biblical model which is consistent with both God’s grace and justice.
Friday March 22 – 6 PM-8 PM (no child care provided)
This first night is geared toward the entire church family because we all need to grow in our understanding of forgiveness. Chris will be laying the biblical foundation for true Christian forgiveness.
Saturday March 23rd – 9 AM-1 PM (no child care provided).
These sessions will be directed toward modeling, teaching, and applying forgiveness in the home. So, grandparents and teens are certainly welcome to attend as well. Lunch will be provided at 12:00 PM. We will close our time with a Forgiveness Q&A.
This event is open to our church family and the community.
Cost per individual or family is $20.00. This includes Saturday lunch and one copy of Unpacking Forgiveness. Please have your registration & payment to the Church Office by Monday, March 18th.
Click HERE for a pdf of the registration that you can print.