Sermon Discussion: True Greatness– Part 2
Mark 9:38–41
The following outline and discussion questions have been prepared to accompany the sermon from October 6, 2019; “True Greatness– Part 2.”
Main Idea: Disciples demonstrate their true greatness when they celebrate the reality that the Kingdom of God is far greater than their personal convictions and experience.
Discussion Questions:
1. How does John’s report in verse 38 reveal that he completely missed Jesus’ main point in Mark 9:33–37? (Disciples demonstrate their true greatness when they humbly receive and serve “unimportant” Christ-followers)
2. List at least three different reasons why the disciples’ were wrong to attack the unnamed man in verse 38.
3. Jesus provides two reasons why the disciples should never stop someone like this man in verses 39 and 40. Paraphrase these two reasons in your own words. Explain how Jesus uses these two reasons to completely redefine twelves’ understanding of true discipleship.
4. How does Mark 9:37 help us understand why God rewards cups of water?
5. What are two common errors that Churches and Christians fall into as they endeavor to foster the kind of unity that Jesus commands while defending and holding fast to the gospel itself?
6. What is Theological Triage? How would you define each “level” (1st-level, 2nd-level, 3rd-level).
7. Considering the first error (doctrinal indifference), where are we as a church in danger? In what ways do you drift toward doctrinal indifference? Why?
8. Considering the second error (doctrinal narrowness), where are we as a church in danger? In what ways doe you drift toward doctrinal narrowness)? Why?
9. How might this concept of Theological Triage help you diffuse conflict, build unity, and nurture meaningful relationships within Olympic? Within your community? Within your extended family?