Sermon Discussion Questions: Jesus Forgives
Mark 2:1–12
The following outline and discussion questions have been prepared to accompany the sermon from March 4, 2019 “Jesus Forgives.” These questions can be used for discussion in small groups, family devotions, or for personal reflection. (Click for PDF)
Main Idea: Jesus has full authority to forgive sins.
I. An Act of Unrelenting Faith (Mark 2:1–5a)
II. A Scandalous Declaration (Mark 2:5b–7)
III. An Irrefutable Act of Confirmation (Mark 2:8–12)
Sermon Discussion:
1. How might you define faith as you consider the paralytic’s friends. (Cf. Heb 11:1–6; 1 Pet 1:8; James 2:14–17).
2. Pastor Mark proposed two reasons that Jesus forgive this man’s sins, even though, his friends brought him to be healed. What were they?
3. How would you explain sin to a 12 year-old or someone who did not grow up in the church?
4. How does a proper understanding of sin help us grasp the true gravity of our sin? (Pss 51:3–4; Ezek 18:31–24; Rom 3:23; 6:23)
5. What is Jesus revealing and claiming about himself when he forgives the paralytic’s sins? (Exod 34:6–7; Isaiah 43:25)
6. How does the Scribes’ response to Jesus expose their skepticism?
7. How is “easier” to say, “Your sins are forgiven” than to say, “Rise, take up your bed and walk” (Mark 2:9). How does this prove that “the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” (Mark 2:10; Cf. Deut 18:22)?
Personal Application:
1. How were you personally impacted by this message?
2. Do you sense God calling you to something as a result of this message?
3. Identify one or two people in your circle of influence that need Jesus and add them to your group’s prayer list so that you can all pray for your boldness and their salvation.
Broader Application:
1.How can the overwhelming amazement of the people of Capernaum (Mark 1:27; 2:12) and Jesus’ later condemnation of their abject unbelief (Matthew 11:23), help guide and protect us in our mission to multiply devoted followers of Jesus Christ?
2. Discuss the concept of Nominal Christianity as a group and contrast it with true faith in Jesus.
- How does Nominal Christianity look like true Christianity?
- How can it be distinguished from true Christianity?
- What are the dangers of Nominal Christianity to the Nominal Christian?
- What are the dangers of Nominal Christianity to the true Christians and our mission as a Church?