Sermon Discussion: The Sovereignty of God in the Betrayal of His Son
Mark 14:12–31
Main Idea: God sovereignly ordained that his New Covenant promises would be established through the betrayal and execution of his beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Discussion Questions:
1. How does the “sandwich structure” of this section highlight God’s sovereign activity in the betrayal of Jesus?
2. Why does Jesus reveal these details to his disciples? (Mark 14:17–21; 26–28)
3. Why doesn’t Jesus reveal his betrayer?
4. What is the purpose of God in the betrayal of his Son?
5. Why is God’s purpose in the betrayal of his Son so important? Read Romans 3:20; Galatians 3:10–14 and 2 Corinthians 3:4–8.
Application Questions:
6. How did this message cause you to delight in Jesus more than you did before or see your salvation in a way that you did not see before?
7. How does the providence of God help us embrace the twin truths of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility rather than embracing one at the expense of the other?
8. Is it more important that fellow believers conform to your personal convictions about relationship between God’s sovereignty and mankind’s responsibility OR that they truly delight in Jesus Christ and endeavor to share the gospel with other people?
9. How is God’s sovereignty supposed to serve as a comfort in times of chaos, confusion, and suffering? (Cf. Genesis 50:22; Romans 8:28–37)
10. Is there anything you feel like you need to share with someone else from this message? What is it? And who do you need to share it with?