Sermon Discussion Questions: Contagious Joy
Acts 2:31–47
The following outline and discussion questions have been prepared to accompany the sermon from September 23, “Contagious Joy” (Acts 2:31–47) The questions can be used for discussion in small groups, family devotions, or for personal reflection. (PDF Link)
Main Idea: God’s people overflow with contagious joy when they treasure Jesus more than the treasures of this world.
I. One Treasure (Acts 2:41–43)
II. Four Pursuits (Acts 2:42; 44–45)
III. One Corporate and Contagious Joy (Acts 2:46–47)
Discussion Questions:
1. As you consider the church(es) that you grew up in:
Was Jesus portrayed as a once-and-for-all ticket to be received or a treasure to be pursued?
How did this play out in weekly church life?
How did church leaders respond when someone came to faith in Jesus?
2. Share your experience of coming to faith in Jesus. In what ways was it similar and different to Acts 2:41–47?
3. How does the early church’s devotion to the four pursuits in verse 42 help us see that these new Christians are not driven by duty but delight in Jesus?
4.Consider the four pursuits (2:42) and discuss as a group how each “pursuit” can deepen our joy in Jesus? (Learning more about Jesus, Treasuring Jesus together, pointing one another to the cross, and supporting one another in prayer).
5. If we are honest, we know that these four pursuits do not always result in a deeper joy and delight in Jesus. What do you think the underlying problems are when this happens?
6. How does a Christians true joy and delight in Jesus function as an argument for the gospel?
7. Do you feel like you are living your Christian life primarily from duty OR delight right now? Where is it duty? Where is it delight?