Posts from February 2020
Sermon Discussion- The Olivet Discourse Part 2
The Olivet Discourse- Part 2 Mark 13:124–27 Main Idea: Perseverance is fueled by steadfast hope in the second coming not fervent sign-watching. Discussion Questions: 1. How does Daniel 11:31–36 and its historical fulfillment in 167 B.C. help us understand the kind of event that Jesus’ is warning his disciples about in Mark 13:14? 2. Why would Jesus’ exhortation to run for the hills without packing provisions seem counterintuitive to his disciples and the first-century readers of this Gospel? 3. What…
Sermon Discussion: The Olivet Discourse – Part 1
Sermon Discussion: The Olivet Discourse – Part 1 Mark 13:1–13 Main Idea: Christian discipleship is a call to persevering gospel-centered faithfulness NOT a fascination with end-times speculation. Discussion Questions: (Read Mark 13:1–13) 1. How should the conversation between Jesus and his disciples in 13:1–4 guide our interpretation of the various events recorded in verses 5–37? 2. Identify the three imperative statements (commands) in verses 5–13. 3. How do the first two imperatives uniquely discourage prophetic sign watching? (i.e., what are the…
Sermon Discussion: True Devotion
Sermon Discussion Questions: True Devotion Mark 12:38–44 Main Idea: True devotion is a matter of humble faith not overt acts of ostentatious piety. Discussion Questions: 1. How does the Scribes’ obsession with long robes, public greetings, the best seats in the synagogue and at public feasts betray their fundamental calling to ministry? 2. How does the intended audience of the Scribes’ public prayers betray the true depth of their devotion to God? 3. How does their abuse of widows, along…