The Content of the Gospel
The Gospel is the good news that God sent his only Son Jesus to give His life on the cross as a sacrifice for mankind’s sin so that he might save a people for himself. In order to do this, Jesus Christ—the second person of the Trinity—became a man to live the perfect life of obedience and love that you and I have failed to live; and he died the death that you and I deserve for our selfish rebellion against God.
God demonstrated that he accepted Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, on the third day, by raising him again from the dead. Thus declaring that Jesus forever satisfied God’s wrath against our sin and forever conquered death and the devil as well. God is now in the process of gathering a people to himself through the good news of the gospel and making his invisible kingdom visible through his church.
Therefore, the gospel is the good news that, Jesus lived, died, and rose again for sinners. And that God will forgive every person who turns to and trust in Jesus— humbly admitting they fall short of God’s perfect standard and receiving his promise of forgiveness by faith.
The Call of the Gospel
The call of the Gospel is that we would stop trying to justify ourselves before God and that we would receive Jesus’ finished work on the cross by faith as our only hope of forgiveness and restoration to God.
The Gospel is offered by grace and received through faith. There is nothing that we can ever do to earn God’s favor; but by faith, we can receive it as a free gift which He offers us because of His amazing love.
Therefore, the fundamental call of the Gospel is to turn away from any hope we have in ourselves and look to Jesus, receiving his finished work on the cross as our only hope forgiveness and reconciliation with God.
The Centrality of the Gospel
We believe that the Gospel is the power of God both for the salvation of the lost and for the transformation of believers (Rom. 1:16).
We believe that all Scripture must be interpreted through the lens of the Gospel (Lk 24:27, 45-48).
Because of that, we believe that every sermon should point us to the Gospel as the ultimate solution to the problems we face in this broken world.
We believe that all our counsel of one another should ultimately point to the Gospel as our only hope for lasting change.
We believe that all sin should be confronted with the Gospel in order to show people that Jesus is better than whatever else they are tempted to put their hope in.
We believe that the Gospel is the only way to salvation and so we are committed to lovingly and boldly sharing it with those who have yet to put their trust in Jesus.