Sermon Discussion Questions: True Devotion
Mark 12:38–44
Main Idea: True devotion is a matter of humble faith not overt acts of ostentatious piety.
Discussion Questions:
1. How does the Scribes’ obsession with long robes, public greetings, the best seats in the synagogue and at public feasts betray their fundamental calling to ministry?
2. How does the intended audience of the Scribes’ public prayers betray the true depth of their devotion to God?
3. How does their abuse of widows, along with their other failings, expose the true treasure of their hearts? (Cf. Matt 6:21; 24)
4. How much would this widow’s offering worth today?
5. How can Jesus say that this woman “has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box” (Mark 12:43) when she has in fact not put in more?
6. How does this help us see the true “economy” of the kingdom? How might you state this principle in one sentence?
7. How does her offering expose the true treasure of her heart? (Remember Jesus commends her act)
Application Questions:
8. In what ways do people pursue God in hopes of receiving something other than God himself?
9. How might true believers pursue God (i.e., uphold his priorities and obey his commands) in hopes of receiving something other than God himself?
10. What do you find harder to sacrifice in your passionate pursuit of God, your time, your money, or the things that make you truly happy (ex: grandchildren, travel, public affirmation, upward progress at work)?
11. What impacted you the most in this message? What do you sense God calling you to do as a result?