Sermon Discussion: I Am Justified– I Am Not My Sin and Failure
Romans 5:12–19
Main Idea: If we are in Christ, we are not defined by our individual sins and failures because we have been credited with the very righteousness of Christ.
Justification: is the judicial act of God by which he declares the law to be perfectly satisfied in respect to sinful people because he has forever credited them with the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ on account of their faith in Christ.
Discussion Questions:
1. How is God’s “free gift” in verse 15 not like the trespass?
2. How does this difference help us see that justification flows from the pleasure of God to display the glory of God?
3. How is God’s “free gift” in verse 16 not like the trespass?
4. How does this difference help us see that justification forever defines the people of God? (Note the definition of justification above).
5. How does verse 17 describe the real and lasting impact of God’s grace in justification for all who believe?
Application Questions:
6. Have you struggled with the “legalistic” performance based Christianity that pastor Mark talked about in his sermon? If so describe the impact that it had (or is having) on your Christian life.
7. Were you helped by one of the illustrations about what justification is, OR is not ? If so how?
7. What is a “zero sum gain” view of justification? How might it fuel performance based Christianity? Why is this view unbiblical?
8. How can the truth that justification flows from the pleasure of God and forever defines the people of God help you fight back against performance based Christianity?
- How might it help you overcome the shame and discouragement that follows sin and failure?
- How might it help you find greater joy and security in your relationships with other Christians?
- How might it help you counsel a Christina friend who is drowning in shame and self-loathing over their sin?
9. Was there something in this message that you need to share with a friend? If so, when and how might you do it given our current restrictions?