Sermon Discussion Questions: Real Life Change
TEXT: Colossians 1:1–14
The following outline and discussion questions have been prepared to accompany the sermon from October 28th, “Real Life Change.” These questions can be used for discussion in small groups, family devotions, or for personal reflection. (PDF Link)
Main Idea: Real life change is the natural product of an ever-growing delight and hope in Jesus Christ.
I. Two Commands (Col 3:1–2)
II. One Key
III. Three Life Changing Truths (Col 3:1–4)
Discussion Questions: (Read the text together as a group before answering questions)
1. Have you ever struggled and warred against a persistent sin in your life? How did you attempt to gain victory? Was it successful?
2. What have you done in your Christian life to pursue holiness and obedience? Was it successful?
3. How do the lists in 3:5 and 3:8 expose the true nature/magnitude of our battle against indwelling sin?
4. How does the list in 3:12–14 help us grasp what Christian maturity is truly about?
5. What do the commands in 3:1 and 3:2 reveal about the path to real life change (sanctification)?
6. What are the three “life transforming truths” that pastor Mark highlighted in 3:1–4? Who is the primary focus and grounds for hope in these three truths?
7. How does Paul expect these three truths to help us overcome sin and grow in holiness?
8. How does this passage help us understand how to effectively disciple other Christians?
9. Which aspect of the gospel is hardest for you to continually embrace in your struggle against sin and pursuit of holiness? How might you address this area of deficiency?
Gospel past: you have been raised with Jesus
Gospel present: you have died and your life is hidden with God
Gospel future: when Jesus appears you will also appear with him in glory
10. How might theses three gospel truths help you encourage or counsel a believer who feels like a complete failure?