Sunday Mornings
Nursery Care: We offer supervised nursery care for children from birth up to 3-1/2 years of age during the 10:00 AM worship service.
Children’s Church: We are planning to resume this program soon. Children 3-1/2 years through 1st grade are dismissed to join our Children’s Ministry Team upstairs just before the sermon portion of our worship service.
We believe that every Christian is called and gifted to ministry in one way or another. This teaching time, Wednesday nights from 6:00 to 7:15 PM , with classes for children (age 3-1/2 yrs thru 5th grade), teens (6th-12th grades) and adults, is our attempt to equip our families with the theological grounding, Biblical world-view, and practical skills they need to pursue God, love people, and multiply fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Weekly Community Groups
Despite the fact that we have so many ways to connect with one another (cell phones, text, email, etc…) people have never been so isolated and alone. And we realize that it is very hard to develop deeper relationships on Sunday morning—especially if you have little ones.
Community groups are an opportunity to encourage one another to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24) by meeting during the week in local homes for 1.5–2 hours of fellowship, prayer, and applicational Bible study.
During the school year, we have groups meeting in Poulsbo, Silverdale, and Seabeck.
Please contact us to join a community group today!
Men’s Ministries
Men’s Breakfast: Our Monthly Men’s Breakfasts will resume in the fall. Watch our events calendar for dates & details.
Women’s Ministries
Olympic Women’s Ministry exists to challenge one another to pursue God, love other people, and follow Jesus more today than we were yesterday. We currently have 3 dates scheduled for monthly Fall Fellowship/Bible Study. CLICK HERE to see them!
Our prayer team has three components that work to make sure that everything that we do is covered in prayer here at Olympic.
- The first team is the email prayer chain that lifts up requests that people give us permission to pray for.
- The second team is the group that prays for our church before the service on Sunday mornings.
- The third team is the group of people that are ready and waiting to pray for people after the service. If you would like to join this dynamic team please contact the church office.
Olympic Supports several missionaries that are working around the country and around the world in our desire to be ambassadors around the world. If you would like to know more about our missionaries, please contact the church office or stop by. Many of our missionaries are serving in areas of the world in which their work is not appreciated and so we do not promote them on our website to protect their confidentiality. We also look for ways to not only support our missionaries through money, but through service. We have sent several people from our congregation out to work with missionaries in the field.